City Council
City Council meets the first Tuesday of each month at 6 pm in the Council Chambers located within City Hall. The Mayor chairs Council meetings. Agendas are posted in City Hall and online each Thursday prior to the meeting. Special meetings and work sessions may also be called to conduct City business with a minimum of three days notice. The public is always welcome and encouraged to attend meetings.
To be included on a monthly meeting agenda, please submit a request to be on the Council Agenda to the City Administrator one week in advance of the regularly scheduled City Council meeting you wish to speak at.
The Council is composed of the Mayor and four Council Members, who are responsible for the operation of City government. The Mayor chairs Council meetings. The Council is responsible for all legislative and administrative actions of the City, which are carried out by the Department Heads. The 5-member Council is elected at-large from the City of Braham with the Mayor serving a 2-year term and each Council member serving 4 years with 2 Council members elected every two years.
Meet the Council

Robert Knowles
Jeremy Kunshier
Nicole Peltz